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Using Generative AI to Write a Blog for an Insurance Agency [Part 1]

Using Generative AI to Write a Blog for an Insurance Agency [Part 1]

In this blog post, my goal is to demonstrate the remarkable capabilities of generative AI by showcasing a practical example of how it can be utilized to write a captivating and informative blog article tailored explicitly for an independent insurance agency. By harnessing the power of generative AI, we can unlock new possibilities for content creation and streamline the writing process.

The potential of generative AI for content creation is vast, and it is particularly valuable for industries like insurance that require engaging and informative articles to connect with their target audience. 

Getting Started

If you're looking to dive into the world of generative AI, you can start by taking advantage of the free versions of ChatGPT 3.5 and other tools like Grammarly, Canva, or HubSpot that you may already be using. These free versions offer a great way to explore generative AI without financial commitment.

However, if you're looking for more advanced features and functionalities, upgrading to the premium versions of these tools can be highly beneficial. For example, the upgraded ChatGPT account gives you access to GPT-4 and allows you to unleash your creativity by creating images using generative AI with DALL-E.

So, whether you're just starting or looking to take your generative AI projects to the next level, everyone has options.

ChatGPT 3.5

For this experiment, I used a combination of GrammarlyGO and ChatGPT 3.5, the free version.

I have the option to upgrade my ChatGPT account to "Plus," which includes GPT-4, DALL-E for generating images using generative AI, and various other features as described below:



All Grammarly plans include GrammarlyGO, which works within several applications, including:

  • Microsoft Windows and Apple IOS
  • Chrome and Edge browsers
  • Gmail, Google Docs
  • Microsoft Word
  • LinkedIn and Medium

The plans for GrammarlyGO are listed below:


In this fast-growing market, countless tools and platforms are available, with new ones constantly introduced. These valuable resources can aid you in tasks like pinpointing optimal keywords for search engine optimization (SEO), which helps your content achieve better rankings in search results.

Although this experiment delves into the fundamentals, it's crucial to acknowledge the many opportunities to elevate content creation and marketing strategies.

The Scenario

To demonstrate the practical application of generative AI, I took on a project for an insurance agency client. They had requested a compilation of potential trending themes that could be explored in their blog articles about personal auto insurance.

To get the ball rolling, I decided to utilize ChatGPT and asked it to generate a list of trending themes for personal lines automobile insurance.

The prompt: "What are some trending themes for personal lines automobile insurance in 2024?"

ChatGPT Output

Trending themes for personal lines automobile insurance can vary depending on factors such as current events, technological advancements, and shifts in consumer behavior. Here are some themes that have been prominent and may continue to be relevant:

  1. Safety Features and Technology: With advancements in vehicle safety technology such as autonomous emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, and lane departure warning systems, there's a growing emphasis on how these features can reduce accidents and potentially lower insurance premiums.

  2. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: As the automotive industry shifts towards electric and hybrid vehicles, discussions around their environmental benefits, cost of ownership, and insurance considerations (such as coverage for battery damage or theft) have become prevalent.

  3. Usage-Based Insurance (UBI): The popularity of usage-based insurance programs, which use telematics devices or smartphone apps to monitor driving behavior, continues to rise. This trend is driven by the potential for personalized pricing based on individual driving habits and the promotion of safer driving practices.

  4. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy: With the increasing integration of technology in vehicles, concerns about cybersecurity vulnerabilities and the protection of personal data collected by connected car systems have emerged. Insurance coverage for cyber-related risks and data breaches in the automotive sector is becoming more relevant.

  5. Ridesharing and Car Sharing: The rise of ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft, as well as car-sharing platforms like Zipcar, has led to discussions about insurance coverage for drivers and passengers in these vehicles. There's also a growing demand for insurance products tailored to individuals participating in the gig economy as drivers.

  6. Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events: The impact of climate change on weather patterns and the frequency of extreme weather events (such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires) has implications for auto insurance coverage, particularly regarding comprehensive and collision coverage for weather-related damage.

  7. Distracted Driving and Road Safety Campaigns: With the increasing prevalence of smartphones and other electronic devices, distracted driving has become a major concern. Insurance companies may participate in or sponsor road safety campaigns aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and promoting safer behaviors.

  8. Financial Hardship and Affordability: Economic challenges, such as job loss or financial strain, can influence consumers' decisions regarding auto insurance coverage. There may be discussions around flexible payment options, discounts, and affordability initiatives offered by insurers to support policyholders during difficult times.

By staying informed about these trending themes and incorporating them into their marketing and communication strategies, insurance agencies can better engage with their audience and address their evolving needs and concerns in the realm of personal lines automobile insurance.

OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (3.5) [Large language model].

The output generated above by ChatGPT highlighted several important themes that have been prominent and are likely to remain relevant.

Our goal for the insurance agency is to keep them up-to-date with these popular topics and integrate them into their marketing and communication strategies so they can successfully connect with their audience to meet their changing needs and concerns.

Are these topics relevant?

Before finalizing the topics, it was crucial to conduct thorough fact-checking to ensure their relevance. We compared the generated topics with an article from Independent Agent Magazine titled "8 Personal Auto Insurance Predictions: What's In and What's Out?"

Their list of "What's In" included:

  1. Rising Rates
  2. Electric Vehicles (#2 on ChatGPT's list)
  3. Safety Improvements (#1 on ChatGPT's list)
  4. Embedded Insurance

As a result, we can confidently assert that ChatGPT's suggestions align with the current industry trends. This validation process not only adds credibility to the generated topics but also gives us the confidence to proceed with our choices.

Among the popular trends, the subject of electric and hybrid vehicles caught my attention. Although it may not have been an immediate choice, the rise of this trend in the automotive industry brings forth numerous insurance considerations.

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: As the automotive industry shifts towards electric and hybrid vehicles, discussions around their environmental benefits, cost of ownership, and insurance considerations (such as coverage for battery damage or theft) have become prevalent.

Going further into this topic promises to provide invaluable insights for existing electric or hybrid vehicle owners and those contemplating a purchase. By exploring the various insurance considerations surrounding these vehicles, we can equip individuals with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions and ensure they have the appropriate coverage to safeguard their investment.

Creating an Outline

To structure the blog post effectively, I asked ChatGPT to generate an outline specifically focusing on insurance considerations around electric and hybrid vehicles. 

The prompt: "Create a blog outline about insurance considerations around Electric and Hybrid Vehicles."

ChatGPT Output

Certainly! Here's an outline for a blog post titled "Insurance Considerations Around Electric and Hybrid Vehicles":

Title: Insurance Considerations Around Electric and Hybrid Vehicles


  • Brief overview of the growing popularity of electric and hybrid vehicles in the automotive market.
  • Introduction to the topic of insurance considerations specific to these types of vehicles.
  1. Understanding Electric and Hybrid Vehicles:
    • Explanation of the differences between electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid vehicles.
    • Overview of how these vehicles function, including their reliance on electric motors, batteries, and regenerative braking systems.
  2. Insurance Coverage for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles:
    • Discussion of the types of insurance coverage typically available for EVs and hybrids, including:
      • Liability coverage
      • Collision coverage
      • Comprehensive coverage
      • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage
    • Explanation of how insurance premiums may differ from traditional gasoline-powered vehicles due to factors such as repair costs and vehicle value.
  3. Special Considerations for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles:
    • Highlighting unique insurance considerations specific to electric and hybrid vehicles, such as:
      • Battery damage or theft coverage
      • Coverage for charging equipment and infrastructure
      • Potential discounts or incentives for eco-friendly vehicles
      • Warranty considerations and extended coverage options
  4. Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) and Telematics:
    • Explanation of how usage-based insurance programs and telematics devices are increasingly being used to monitor driving behavior and offer personalized insurance rates.
    • Discussion of how UBI programs may be particularly relevant for electric and hybrid vehicle owners, who may be incentivized to drive more efficiently to conserve battery power.
  5. Environmental Benefits and Green Insurance Options:
    • Exploration of the environmental benefits of electric and hybrid vehicles, including reduced emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.
    • Introduction to "green" insurance options that may be available to incentivize environmentally-conscious driving habits and vehicle choices.
  6. Future Trends and Innovations:
    • Discussion of emerging trends and innovations in the insurance industry related to electric and hybrid vehicles, such as:
      • Insurance coverage for autonomous electric vehicles
      • Integration of blockchain technology for secure and transparent insurance transactions
      • Partnerships between insurance companies and electric vehicle manufacturers to offer bundled products and services
  7. Conclusion:
    • Recap of key insurance considerations for electric and hybrid vehicle owners.
    • Encouragement for readers to consult with their insurance providers to ensure they have adequate coverage tailored to their specific needs and circumstances.
    • Closing remarks on the importance of staying informed about evolving trends and innovations in the automotive and insurance industries.

    • List of sources and resources for further reading on electric and hybrid vehicle insurance considerations.
  • This outline provides a structured framework for a comprehensive blog post that addresses various aspects of insurance considerations around electric and hybrid vehicles, catering to both vehicle owners and individuals interested in learning more about this topic.

OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (3.5) [Large language model].

The outline crafted by ChatGPT formed a solid foundation for developing a well-rounded and informative blog post that should cater to the needs and interests of the target audience.

My thoughts on the process so far

At the very least, ChatGPT proved incredibly useful in generating trending themes for blog topics in 2024. It allowed me to promptly offer the client several relevant options for their personal lines auto blog articles in 2024 and swiftly select a topic for the first blog post.

ChatGPT tends to generate a lot of content, occasionally surpassing what is needed. Moreover, there are instances where it produces repetitive information that is rephrased or duplicates sentences exactly.

Navigating specific information with ChatGPT can be more challenging than using a Google search. For example, I wanted to know the average retention rate for personal lines insurers in the United States for 2023.

The prompt: "In 2023, what was the average retention rate for personal lines insurers in the United States?"

ChatGPT Output

As of my last update in January 2022, I don't have access to real-time data, so I can't provide the exact average retention rate for personal lines insurers in the United States for 2023. However, industry reports and analyses are often published annually or semi-annually by organizations like the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), Insurance Information Institute (III), or other research firms. These reports typically include data on retention rates among various types of insurers, including those offering personal lines coverage.

If you happen to encounter any specific information or data provided by ChatGPT, it is essential to make sure it's accurate and reliable.


If you're new to Generative AI, avoiding overwhelming yourself with too much at once is important. Please take your time and carefully review the content created by ChatGPT or the tool you chose to make sure it's accurate and relevant to the blog article you want to create.

You don't have to worry about investing in expensive AI tools and platforms to get started. You may already have access to OpenAI tools such as ChatGPT 3.4 or 4.0 through popular platforms like Grammarly (GrammarlyGO), Canva (Magic Write), and HubSpot (AI content assistant). So, you can easily use these tools you're already familiar with to kickstart your content creation journey.

In part 2 of this blog article series, I will review the modifications necessary for the outline created by ChatGPT before writing the blog article in part 3.


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